Workgroup 3: Grant funding

This workgroup will explore grant opportunities so that more faculty, staff, and students can have iPads.


  1. Dyne and Marsha have joined Workgroup 3: Grant funding. Do you have some experience in searching for grants or are you interested in getting the iPad into many more hands? Please join us. We are going to meet after the iPad meeting this Friday

  2. I have researched some potential grant sources if anyone is interested. Lynn

  3. I would like to see each member of the grants committee choose a class or area to try and outfit with iPads through grants. I would choose our Applied Music Program (30-40 students) to use for the semester.

  4. GRANTS - Tablets in the classroom
    Notes from our meeting
    Members: Dyne, Lyn, Marsha, Wenda, and Decarla
    national endowment of the arts - some possibility
    one person who takes care of registration for government loans -
    check District for our grant point person
    Grant search process - simple search seems to work best
    lots for national science foundation
    there are grants for
    insurance/replacement costs
    Title V issues
    charge for the case/liability
    models out there
    Dyne wants to give iPads to a group of 40 students in Applied Music
    Lyn - not sure if she could utilize the iPad as she is not iPad savvy
    but there may be others in Science
    May want to look at other tablets besides iPad
    1. Wenda will connect with our District grant person
    2. group will do more search for possible grant options
    3. Dyne will continue with funding of the Arts for schools (classroom)

  5. Hello All, Unfortunately, it will no longer work out for me to be on the ipad initiative committee. I hope the grant reasearch I did is helpful to you and wish you all the best on your very exciting project. Lynn Ott

  6. I am officially joining the group now that I think I figured out how to do this! DeCarla
